"Kindling" And Why it’s Dangerous
Jackie realized her drinking had gotten out of control and decided to try rehab. During treatment, she suffered from withdrawal:...
Opiate Withdrawal Information
Is Opiate Withdrawal Hard? The short answer is, yes. Opiates are some of the most addictive drugs available. Therefore, they’re also some...
NIDA Launches Two Adolescent Substance Use Screening Tools
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has launched two evidenced-based online screening tools that providers can use to assess...
5 Pitfalls to Avoid in Early Recovery
This is the time to protect and nourish your recovery. You’ve asked for help and made it through treatment. You have a taste for how...
Newborn Opioid Withdrawal Requires a 'Cascade of Care,' Study Suggests
Effective management of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) -- withdrawal symptoms occurring in infants exposed to opioids in utero --...
Crack (Rocks) Withdrawal Help
ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Crack is a highly addictive derivative of cocaine with dangerous health consequences. Withdrawal is tough, but not...
Basic Addiction Counsellor Certificate Package Dates and Venues
The Basic Addiction Counseling Certificate is your first step in growing in your training, knowledge and competence in the addiction...
How To Get Off Of Antidepressants Safely Without Going Into Withdrawal
Ever since the dawn of some of the most common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) such as Prozac and Zoloft have become...
The Dirty Dozen: Ways To Sabotage Sustaining Recovery From Addiction
By Richard Kensinger CSW 04/19/18 A look into the destructive mindset which reinforces continuing use. This article incorporates both my...
Free Download: Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
The SAMHSA Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit - 2018 equips health care providers, communities, and local governments with material to...