Is Your Alcoholic Already Considering Change?
t’s an essential truth that alcoholics think about changing for a long, long time before they seriously attempt it. They’re ambivalent...

Ethics in Rehab
Ethics in Rehab If people enter rehab then they will have expectations of being treated in a certain manner. In other words they will...

Compulsive Overeating Versus Food Addiction: What is the Difference?
Contributor: Melissa O’Neill, LCSW, Director of Program Development at, Timberline Knolls Residential Center If you have ever sat down...

Finding Evidence-Based Practices
Seeking evidence, and applying practices based on evidence to your clinical interventions, can help making decisions that increase the...

Preventing Adolescent Marijuana Abuse
Imagine a student sitting in the school auditorium listening to a teacher or police officer insist that marijuana makes you less...

Inpatient Management: Dealing with the Tempests in the Teapot
I like to say that most of the conflicts are a tempest in a teapot — the problem being that you are in the teapot along with the tempest....

Intervention: Dealing With the “What if's”
If we do nothing, the alcoholic will probably wind up, at some point in the progression of addiction, in exactly the circumstances we...

The Science of Opioid Withdrawal - Video
Opioid withdrawal develops after the body has become accustomed to a certain level of opioids. Opioids are found in certain prescription...

If You’re Really Recovering, Why Do You Need AA?
Motivation springs from external as well as internal sources. Our internal desire for change is rarely enough to get us all the way...

What Are The Top 5 Addiction Treatment Magazines for Professionals?
Addiction treatment is not an easy job and it’s one that professionals like you often need a little guidance through to be successful....