New Courses Being Released in Coming Weeks: Confirmed List
Below is the list of new additions to the ACCSA course catalogue, some of which will also make up the new AACC (Advanced Addiction...

New Course Package: Dealing With Substance Abuse in Schools 6 Hours CEU/CPD
One of the biggest problems in dealing with substance abuse in schools, is that most school staff in South Africa lack the training and...

66.7% of Western Cape school kids tested for drugs, test positive...
The Western Cape education Department has raised the alarm bells after drug testing of students revealed truly worrying results. Drugs...

Addiction Professionals Code of Ethics - NAADAC and BAPSA
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals is comprised of members who, as responsible healthcare professionals, believe in the...

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal and Detox
What Is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal? Users often develop a tolerance to benzodiazepines, or benzos, after taking high doses for a long...

Facts about the Matrix Model of Intensive Outpatient Cocaine Addiction Treatment
So…What’s the Matrix Model? The Matrix Model is a medium length intensive outpatient treatment program for people addicted to cocaine and...

Top 10 Benefits of 12-Step Treatment
If you’re considering 12-step treatment after – or before – drug rehab but have been avoiding going to a meeting because you’re thinking...

Treatment For Heroin Overdose
After you’ve taken the first step to call EMS if you suspect that someone is overdosing on heroin, stay with the person to ensure they...

ACCSA Third Successful Training Weekend in Cape Town
ACCSA Runs Third Successful Training Weekend in Cape Town this Weekend (9th and 10th September 2017) ACCSA are working hard to bring...

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Addiction Treatment
Overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Adapted from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Teaches you skills to manage emotions and deal...