Outpatient Treatment Services with ACRA (Addiction Consulting and Referral Agency)

Attending an outpatient drug program is much more than attending a group once a day. Outpatient is often a step down from a long and thorough treatment process. Assuming that the end goal is for a client to achieve and maintain long term sobriety, outpatient is often a vital and necessary next step.
Deciding to get help for an addiction is one of the most important choices you or a loved one can make. Addiction is a deadly disease and most need help to stop.
This is a important decision and one should educate themselves on exactly what goes into attending an outpatient drug rehab and what the steps after outpatient treatment are. The team at ACRA (Addiction Consulting and Referral Agency, www.acrasa.co.za) are committed to helping you along your path.
What If It Is a Loved One or Family Member Who Needs Help?
Often times it is a family member who is searching for an outpatient treatment program for a loved one. This may complicate the process slightly, but ACRA is experienced in dealing with this situation and we will guide you through the process. First, let’s go through a check list before we act.
Has your loved one already attended an inpatient drug rehab?
If the family member has already attended an inpatient rehab program, the logical next choice is a step down to outpatient. At this point the client will have a little bit more freedom but will still be attending intense group counseling, one on one counseling and routine drug testing to ensure that he or she is still clean and sober.
Does your family member need an intervention?
If so it is strongly recommended that you hire a professional interventionist. Our consulting and referral agency (ACRA www.acrasa.co.za) works with experienced an success driven interventionist that know how to control an emotionally turbulent situation while working with the family to get them to commit.
Is he or she willing to go on their own accord?
In some cases, the person in need will be not be willing to go to treatment. A person must be willing to go to outpatient treatment on their own free will.
Are they a danger to themselves or anyone around them?
However, if the person is a danger to themselves or to someone else, there are laws in place that can get people the help they need. For questions call ACRA: JHB 074 265 6628 KZN 062 019 7956, mail info@acrasa.co.za.
Should they attend treatment in a new location or do they need to stay close to home?
It is often recommended that a recovering addict attention outpatient treatment in a location that is not in the area that drugs were used. People, places and things can set off triggers and can bring about impulsive behaviors. Although traveling for treatment is not always an option, if the option is there we recommend you take it. Again, these are all questions that do make an impact on the final decision. The best option for you is to call the ACRA hotline and we will help you make any arrangements necessary to make sure the person you love has a shot at recovery.
What Is My Next Step?
The time has come to make a decision.
It is important to take the expert advice from the ACRA team and make an educated decision from that point forward. The mistake to avoid is to prolong any decision making because you are unsure. Trust the experts, trust the professionals and understand that this is a choice that will make a difference on the rest of your life.
Contact ACRA on info@acrasa.co.za,
JHB 074 265 6628 KZN 062 019 7956
or visit: www.acrasa.co.za