Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment Course - Zoom Lectures
Helping clients overcome barriers and obstacles to undergoing treatment for substance abuse is the first and most difficult hurdle in the recovery process.
This course module covers some of the most effective ways of approaching the individual and enhancing their motivation to take action and begin their recovery process.
Course Details:
Enhancing Motivation for Change Certificate (Module 35) Zoom Lectures (16th and 17th Jan 2021)
Course Info: Helping clients overcome barriers and obstacles to undergoing treatment for substance abuse is the first and most difficult hurdle in the recovery process.
Duration/Credit: 20 Hours CPD/CEU
Advanced Modules Type: Zoom Times: 9am - 5pm (Fri & Sat)
Cost: R3000 All Inclusive
For more information or bookings, contact us at info@accsa.co.za or visit www.accsa.co.za.